When is the National Trust Heritage Polaris?

The Heritage Polaris will be held on Saturday 12th April 2025

Where will the Heritage Polaris be held?

The Polaris will be run in and around Canberra, ACT. The 2025 event will start and finish at Telopea Park School Hall located off NSW Crescent Barton ACT. The site is centrally located close to the Parliamentary Triangle and can be found at Telopea Park School Hall

How does the event work?

The Heritage Polaris is a seven hour navigating and biking event where teams of two must find their way around a series of control points spread throughout Canberra. Each control point is given a point value that the competitors accumulate throughout the day. The team that accumulates the most points by the end of the seven hours is declared the winner. However, time penalties do apply for teams that return late. Successful teams will require good tactics to ensure they visit enough control points while allowing themselves time to return back to base without incurring too many penalties. Smart riders will plan their routes for maximum point accumulation and minimum penalties.

What is the Half Heritage Polaris?

The Half HP works exactly as above but runs for just 3.5 hours. We have incorporated this option into the day to cater for people who don't have time for the 7-hour event or perhaps want to trial a shorter version to see what the Heritage Polaris event is like. It is ideal for families with younger kids or novice riders who may feel a bit daunted by participating in the main event. It also has the added bonus of you not having to be at the Event Centre at 6:00am in the morning!

What is supplied for the event?

At registration each team will be supplied with the following:

  • Race bib (x2)
  • 1 full size (fold out) copy of the ACT Governments Your Guide to Cycling in Canberra Map
  • Pencils (x2)
  • Metric ruler
  • Cable ties
  • Control card
  • List of control point co-ordinates

The point value of the control points throughout the event are kept secret until the event actually begins but will include historic/heritage sites (some well-known others not so) throughout Canberra. This ensures competitors plan their route while the event is underway, which is half the fun!

Can our team use GPS devices and/or other navigational aids?

Yes, you are able to use GPS devices, compasses etc. However GPS co-ordinates will not be supplied on your control description sheet and we do not warrant the accuracy of the CBD Canberra city map

How many points will each control point be worth?

Each individual control point is assigned a value however riders are not informed of these values until the event is underway.

What time does the Heritage Polaris start? What is the official finish time?

Rough timelines for the day are as follows:

Registration Check In: 6:00am – 7:30am 

(9:00am - 10:30am for the Half HP)

Competitors check in, sign appropriate waivers, and are assigned a bib number and starting time.

National Trust Heritage Polaris Begins: 8:00am – 8:20am 

(11:00am for the Half HP)

Competitors are released in staggered 10 minute intervals (usually in groups approx. 20 – 30 riders).

Riders Return: 3:00pm – 3:20pm

Riders check back in (stiff time penalties apply), relax, tell some tall tales from the day, have a cool drink and rest while our team frantically feeds the results into the database. (Each entry includes a voucher for a sausage sandwich, soft drink and an ice-cream). 

Results Announced: 4:15(ish)pm

The winners and place getters are announced for each category and prizes are handed out.

Can public transport be used during the event?

The use of public transport is permitted in this event. Canberra buses have bike racks on most popular routes (only 2 per bus!), and of course there is the Tram! The use of private vehicles or taxis, Uber etc. is forbidden.

How do I register?

Registrations are lodged online. Enter on the Home page or by clicking on Entry Info in the menu. Each rider must register individually but enter the event as part of a team of two. Please indicate the team you will be riding with upon registration.

How much does it cost to enter?

Full Heritage Polaris = $90 per rider

Half Heritage Polaris = $50 per rider

All proceeds going to support the charitable activities of The National Trust of Australia (ACT).

(Each entry includes a voucher for a sausage sandwich, soft drink and an ice-cream)

There is no entry fee for children (under 18) and we can cater for families of any number with regards to uniform bibs and maps etc. Past events have had kids as young as 6 and we would love to see more families and kids participate so please contact us for more information.  

What categories can I register under?

National Trust Heritage Polaris 2025 must be entered in teams of two under one of the following categories:

  • Men’s Team
  • Women’s Team
  • Mixed Team
  • Men’s Vets Team (Member Combined Age >80)
  • Women’s Vets Team (Member Combined Age >80)
  • Mixed Vets Team (Member Combined Age >80)
  • Men’s Super-Vets Team (Member Combined Age >100)
  • Women’s Super-Vets Team (Member Combined Age >100)
  • Mixed Super-Vets Team (Member Combined Age >100)

(if you have a friend who can't find a team mate then let us know and we can set you up as a team of 3)

Please note this is a team event so there will be no solo category. Electric and other power assisted bikes are welcome but will not be eligible for any category prizes and will be ranked separately in results.

If you would like to participate as a family with younger children please contact us to discuss a discounted entry fee.

What is the age limit for competitors?

The minimum age limit for the Heritage Polaris is 18 unless the child is riding in a team with a parent/s or legal guardian/s and we have been notified upon entry. There is no entry fee for children (under 18) and we can cater for families of any number with regards to uniform bibs and maps etc. Past events have had kids as young as 6 and we would love to see more families and kids participate so please contact us for more information. 

What prizes are on offer?

There will be a $100 cash prize for the winning team in each of the nine categories. In addition, there will be a $100 cash prize for the overall winning team. There are no prizes for the Half HP, nor teams with one or more electric bikes.

Do I have to be an experienced rider or navigator to take part?

No! Although the Heritage Polaris is a competitive event it is open to people of all skill and fitness levels. Due to the open format, riders choose what route they are comfortable with taking and at what speed. (As a guide, a full lap of Lake Burley Griffin is circa 28km so if you were to just do this you would still have access to approx. 10 control points.) Whether you’re after a fast paced crash course around Canberra or a leisurely Saturday ride, the Heritage Polaris can be whatever you make it.

Are you able to ride a normal road bike in this event?

The National Trust Heritage Polaris is suitable for bikes of any kind. However not all control points will be accessible from sealed roads (i.e. you may have to walk a road bike a short distance to clip your control card) and of course the shortest route between control points may not always involve sealed roads or paths! So, any advantage a road bike may have on the flowing cycle paths of Canberra could be off-set by a mountain bike “shortcutting” across a nature trail. Ultimately it is up to the rider as to what kind of bicycle they enter in the event but they should be aware that the terrain can vary greatly between control points depending on the route taken.

Electric and other power assisted bikes are welcome but will not be eligible for any category prizes and will be ranked separately in results.

Where can I stay while in Canberra?

The Mercure Hotel, a heritage listed landmark located 500m from the City Centre, is the official accommodation partner for the Canberra & Region Heritage Festival. Check out their special offers Mercure Canberra

Will there be access to food and drink during the event?

Participants will need to take care of their own personal food and drink requirements while away from the Event Centre. A number of the control points will have water taps close by and of course the wonderful thing about cycling around Canberra is that you are never far from a suburban shopping centre most of which have cafes, mini-marts or service stations (in the larger centres).